The Smoking Gun
Campaign: "Mitt is Not It"
Mitt Romney accepted $35k from cigarette sources while Mormons reject smoking. Is he true to his convictions?
The End of Hope
Campaign: "Mitt is Not It"
Mitt Romney intends to put an end to Federal education reform, extinguishing the last light of hope for millions of American children.
No Garden of Eden
Campaign: "Mitt is Not It"
The past four years have been no garden of Eden in America. Barack Obama served the needs of the nation. Mitt Romney made money.
There are Two Americas
Campaign: "Mitt is Not It"
President Obama has worked hard to help the 99%. Mitt Romney wants to work hard to help the 1%.
This is Not Our Future
Campaign: "Mitt is Not It"
America lags behind in innovation. Yet Mitt Romney supports the firing of our teachers and the return of honor students to their homelands after graduation.
Obama Raps
Campaign: "Mitt is Not It"
Obama raps about the issues facing Americans in deciding who will be President in 2012.
Bank Not Tank
Campaign: "Mitt is Not It"
Obama saved Americans millions at the gas pump with new fuel economy standards.
Wham! Now What?
Campaign: "Mitt is Not It"
ObamaCare is proving itself day after day. Even to the Supreme Court.
Campaign: "Mitt is Not It"
"Don't Ask Don't Tell" abolished as hate crimes in the military are prosecuted.
Too Big to Fail
Campaign: "Mitt is Not It"
When the President bailed out the banks, the car companies and Wall Street, he let everyone know it came at a price.
In or Out?
Campaign: "Mitt is Not It"
Did Mitt Romney leave Bain in 1999, or was it 2002? Did he lie on his job application for President?
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